Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Creative Photography - Emotion

When you think about Fall/Autumn...
1. Brainstorming - Write down anything that comes to mind when you think about Fall. (do you love the season? dislike the season? Why?) Think of favorite moments or memories. What story do you
want to tell? Are there scents, colors, tastes or sounds that remind you of this season? Is it about sports to you or something fun you do with your family every year. What types of photos will help you tell your story. Detailed photos, scenic photos, people.

2. Writing your story - Now that you have brainstormed all about fall. Choose a direction. Look at your list. What peaks your interest. What items on your list do you think can be developed into a story that can be supported by photographs.

Story requirements.
• Must be at least three paragraphs long. (can be longer if you’d like)
• Each paragraph must contain 2 details sparked from your senses.

Here is an example of a paragraph packed with details:

“The nights become long. Dark takes over and wood crackles in the fireplace. The mornings are fresh and crisp. The first frost covers the ground with white, almost as if it had snowed. Our green world is filled with extraordinary color as the leaves burst with orange, yellow and red. Jack-o’-lanterns smile from the porches, kids play in the streets after long days at school, and the drum of encouraging voices fill the air early on Saturday mornings at the soccer fields.  “

 3. Photographs - At home take photographs to support your story.
You will need to take at least 4 current photos to support your story. What tells your story. Is it people, is it a scene, is it a detail. Try to explore all types of photos. Remember photographs tell a story that words can't tell. Make me touch, taste, hear, or smell your story through your photos.

*Bring in your photos on cd or dvd disk by November 18th. I will have prints made of
  your photos. If you prefer to take photos over Thanksgiving break you are welcome to bring in prints
  on the first day back at school, November 28th.

3. Layout - Create a story board. This is a layout with photos and words that will consolidate your story. You can bring in other elements to help create your artwork including old photos that were taken by you or by others. You may draw, use stickers, ribbon, etc. Use anything that helps tell your story.