Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Express yourself!

This project is about YOU. You have a distinct personality that no one in this world shares. How do you express your uniqueness? Is it in your backpack, your socks, your bedroom, your interests, the video games you choose to play??? Answers are endless and there is no wrong answer.

By now you should have...

1. Photographed the letters of the alphabet in natural or man-made objects
2. Chosen an all-encompassing word that best describes YOU.

Next step... What objects do you use to express yourself??

You have a choice. You can choose to use your word as the center of your expression as I have below, or you can use your name. Since I am out today, take the time in class to print out the letters in your word or name. They will need to fit on a 12 x 12 paper. I printed mine to be 1" each. you can always print and crop with scissors. See my sample. (if you prefer to have your photos in color you will need to print from home in color or get prints by Thursday otherwise black and white will work great)

Once completed, brainstorm 5 - 10 objects you can photograph to show how you express yourself. These should be things you can photograph outside of class and should be different areas of your interests. You may not photograph 5 different video games as your 5 objects. Try to think of interesting ways to photograph your objects.

For example.
My word is "COLORFUL"


My ways of expressing myself...

I love fun clips/magnets to display my kids artwork and photos.

My wallet and keys. I love symbols, clips and COLOR!!

My shoes. I like my shoes to have personality and once again color. Also notice my wall colors.

My parents are British so I was brought up on tea. I love fun mugs to drink from.

One can NEVER have enough paint colors. I have an addiction to buying paint and markers!

Make-up. Another addiction LOVE to have lots of color palettes to play with.

You are encouraged to bring in photos by class on Thursday but the final deadline for photos will be  Monday, January 24.

On Thursday you can work on laying out your project. You will have access to paint, glitter and paper. If you need other accessories please bring from home. You will have two class period to work on the layout. We will be presenting your final expressions to the class.