Saturday, February 26, 2011

I SPY with my little eye...

a photograph that is in full focus.

We've spent a lot of time discussing the portrait and macro (face and flower) setting on our cameras. This controls the aperture and creates more of a blur in the background that helps faces and objects stand out in a photograph.

You proved to me on the last Valentine project that you've achieved the ability to take focused portraits and proved that you also understand how it is an important aspect of a photographers job not only take an aesthetically pleasing photo, but to also make our subjects look good.

Since we now know that it is the aperture that controls focus in a photo. For a portrait or close up of an object we want a shallow depth of field (focus on one thing and everything else blurred). 

What happens when you want the majority of your photo to be in focus? For example a landscape scene that covers miles or terrain or a large group photo where you want to keep everyone in focus. You use a small aperture or in other words less blur.  (on a point and shoot or most cameras this is normally presented by a picture of a mountain)

So how are we going to practice? 
Well my kids are obsessed with these I SPY books right now. A genious idea where they photograph a bunch of objects and then list images to search for in the scene. All objects on the page are in focus. This is what creates the challenge because it is really hard to find objects when there is so much going on the page. You don't want blur because that would direct the eye to the foreground and would help distinguish the object being searched for.

Your assignment is to come up with an I SPY scene. (you may work in groups of up to 5 people) together you must design the scene and then photograph the scene in landscape mode (small aperture), working on keeping all of the objects in focus.

(tip for aperture, the more light you have, the easier it will be to use a small aperture. So you will have the best luck photographing these types of scenes outside)

I've attached a couple sample scenes from the books for ideas, but come up with your own and have fun.

Once you have the photograph, we will print them and you can decide on the objects the kids will need to find. We will then take them to the kindergarten classes and you can observe first hand how difficult you made your scene as you watch the kids search.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Keep on Truckin'

Hey guys. Thought I'd post a photo of the reason I won't be there today.

Please continue to work on your cards today. If you need color print outs, use the black and white printer for now and place an FPO (for placement only) copy of your photos for now. I will bring in my printer on Thursday for you to print out the images in color.

I expect your cards to be completed by the end of class today except for items you need to print out in color. All supplies are at the back of the room, feel free to use whatever you need.

We will be handing out your cards on Thursday. If you can not hand out your card by the end of class on Thursday you will not be eligible for the rewards program*.

If you already completed your card, you are free to use the time to study or do homework. Bring your books on Thursday so that when you are finished you can use the time wisely. 

*Remember there is a reward for how much effort you put into this project, so the more creative the higher the reward. I will be giving out rewards at next week's class.

If you'd like to check out some of my recent photography blogs you can go to

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

You've been hired as an undercover photojournalist...

to capture a photo and special information about two staff members that you will use to create each a personalized Valentine card.

You must collect this information incognito. In other words they must not know you are an undercover agent. You must also find out fun facts about their life outside of school (for example their interests, hobbies, favorite color, favorite animal etc.) Make up a story as to why you are interrogating them because they must not find out the true reason.

Once you have the photos and all the necessary information you will use it to create your Valentine Cards. The more facts and creativity you use to create your cards the more reward you will receive for your accuracy.

Your Valentine Cards are due by the end of class Friday, February 11.     
• To receive the minimum payment your cards must have...
   - a pleasant photo of your staff member (eyes open, smiling and not blurry)

   - at least one fact represented on your card (for example if they like dogs use dog stickers or draw a
     dog on your card)

   - and they must have no idea that you are creating a valentine card (i will be checking on this)

You will have access to a color printer in class to print your photo.

Paper and glue will be provided, please bring any other materials you need from home.

Good luck!