Monday, March 21, 2011

sell it part deux

Okay now that we've discussed what works in advertising as far as photography let's get this project started! In ad agencies designers come up with a concept and layout and then direct a photographer to realize the idea. On this project you will be both the photographer and designer.

Your assignment

Choose a product that you'd like to advertise. It has to be something you can bring to class to photograph. Your product and ad may not be vulgar or violent. It must be something that is okay to bring to school. You must take the photo - it can not be pulled off the internet.

1. Today (March 21) we will be "concepting" for your ad - or in other words coming up with the main idea. Choose the product you want to advertise, work on a headline and how you'd like your ad to lay out on your paper. This step needs to be completed before you photograph. 

2. Photo day is Friday (March 26).  Bring the product to class as well as your camera and anything else needed to create your photos.

3. Next week you will have both class periods to layout the ad. You may either lay it out on the computer using photoshop elements and word. Or you can create a scrapbook page by cutting and pasting your images and words to create the page.

4. The add will be due at the end of the class period on Thursday, March 31. We will critique these ads the following week. Meaning you will have a chance to say what works and does not work about others' ads.

Here is an example of my ad:

I chose to advertise one of my dog's play toy's.
First I came up with a headline.

 Then decided on a layout. I thought a simple layout would be best. 

I photographed the toy on a black background and kept most of it in focus.
I then cliped it out using Photoshop and used it as a standalone on my page. 

Lastly, I put all the elements of my ad together.

This was the original photograph.